Sun damage can
cause your skin to
age prematurely

Your skin can become very dry, develop deep wrinkles, brown lesions (called liver spots), or rough, crusty patches called solar keratosis.
What causes pigmentation?
Skin pigmentation refers to the colouring of the skin. Melanin is made by cells in the skin and is the pigment responsible for the skin’s colour. When a person’s skin is healthy their skin colour will appear normal. If a person has damaged skin or an underlying skin condition, their skin can suffer from hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is the name given to patches of skin that become darker than surrounding areas of skin. Hypopigmentation occurs when the skin becomes lighter in patches
Both skin conditions are common and affect people of all skin types and often occur as a result of:
Sun/UV exposure
Skin inflammation
Skin injury
This can occur on any part of the body and is usually harmless, but it is always best to get it checked as it can sometimes indicate another medical condition.
Photodamaged skin is a type of premature aging and occurs over long periods of time due to harmful exposure to UV rays. The UV affects the collagen fibres in the skin and results in the loss of elasticity leading to the early appearance of aging and wrinkles.
The changes in the skin from Photodamage include
Fine and course wrinkles
Roughness of skin
Pigmentation changes
These can appear anywhere on the body, but the face is most affected. The UV rays hit unprotected skin causing changes in DNA at a cellular level. Photodamage happens at the deeper layers of the skin (dermis) and can take years before the damage surfaces and becomes visible.

Freckles (Ephelides)
Are a type of pigment that can develop in the skin, possibly due to genetic predisposition, which darken with sun exposure

Lentigo simplex
is a common type of spot, dark in colour with a defined edge. They can appear anywhere on your body and can be present from birth or develop in childhood

Solar Lentigo aka age spots/liver spots.
These develop as a result of sun exposure

Poikiloderma – (sun ageing)
are patches that give the skin a mottled appearance. Mainly occurs in the sun exposed areas such as the sides of the neck and chest
How NeoGen Plasma can help with Pigmentation
Pigmentation Before & Afters
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